A first-time mother has about a 30% chance of encountering a complication in the second stage (pushing stage) of labour, requiring assisted delivery (forceps or suction delivery) or emergency caesarean section.
These procedures are not only traumatic for the mother and baby but also come with risks of complications. Some, such as bleeding, tears, infection and pain, may be temporary, but others, like brain damage to the baby and tearing of the mother’s anus, have life-long effects.
These unplanned procedures are also expensive, requiring teams of specialists, additional theatre hours, and bed stays.
The BirthGlide team is developing a novel, simple-to-use, low-cost device to reduce the occurrence of complicated second stage of labour and the use of traumatic procedures. BirthGlide® is a patent-protected device and could be used in the majority of the global 134 million births/year.
The BirthGlide team consists of world-leading obstetric opinion leaders, a senior medical device engineer, a senior IP & start-up expert, a senior finance expert and a senior healthcare commercial expert.
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